
Hope Full Meals

Rp 7.095.147 dari Rp 150.000.000


Penggalang Dana

BenihBaik ceklis Identitas terverifikasi

Hello everyone, 

We recognise that COVID-19 has completely changed up our ways of living, and during urgent times like these, it’s best that we’re all aware and caring for those around us.  The last time such a pandemic has struck the earth was in 2002 in the event of the SARS outbreak. Though as of the modern day, we’re an entirely new generation who have to face the difficulties and make wise decisions not only for our wellbeing, but for that of others. 

Jakarta has had at least 6,400 confirmed COVID-19 cases so far and consequently, the hospitals are constantly packed with patients. There are doctors and nurses working at the hospitals day and night, and they’re having to risk their lives every single day, as well as isolate themselves away from their loved ones to help the infected. The medical professionals working at state-run hospitals are especially in need of our support during this tough time, hence our focus is on helping them. More specifically, we intend to provide lunches for the medical workers at RSUD Pasar Minggu for one month.

Best regards,

Indira & Kirana Rumantir

  • 185 Box Rice Bowl Sehat Dari Honu Telah Disalurkan Kepada Tenaga Medis Di Rsud Pasar Minggu


    Halo TemanBaik,

    Hari ini Selasa tanggal 21 Juli 2020,  Indi Rumantir & Kira Rumantir berhasil menjalankan misi kebaikannya dengan yang bertajuk “Hope Full Meals”. Dengan bantuan donasi dari para TemanBaik, Indi dan Kira mengirimkan paket makan siang dari HONU berupa rice bowl yang sehat ke RSUD Pasar Minggu. Seperti dituliskan dalam laman sosial media instagram @hopefullmeals, paket makan siang yang mencapai 200 box tersebut langsung diantar ke RSUD Pasar Minggu oleh kedua kakak adik, Indi & Kira Rumantir.

    Sajian lezat nan sehat ini diharapkan dapat menambahkan semangat dan imunitas para tenaga kesehatan di RSUD Pasar Minggu yang bertugas menjadi garda terdepan penanganan Covid-19. Terima kasih banyak untuk TemanBaik yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam aksi kebaikan ini.

    2020-07-21 16:34:21

  • Pencairan Dana Rp 7.020.147

    Ke rekening ****131 a/n Honu Nui Soho

    Pencairan tahap 1 untuk penyaluran paket makanan sehat ke RSUD Pasar Minggu oleh HONU
    2020-07-20 12:07:10

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